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Here are 10 tips to keep you safe while rock climbing

Here are 10 tips to keep you safe while rock climbing

Climbing is dangerous. To avoid falling and gravity, you must do all that you can. Redundancy is essential. It is important to back up all gear. Your life depends on it. Accidents are more common for beginners climbers. Use sound judgment and respect the dangers of climbing; don't try to climb above your head. Find a mentor or learn from an experienced guide how to safely climb. Climber error is the main cause of most accidents. These 10 tips will help you stay safe while rock climbing.

Always Check Harnesses

Once you have geared up and secured yourself to the rope at the base a route's end, make sure that the buckles on both the belayer's and climber's harnesses are properly doubled back. You should also make sure your leg loops are snug. Most harnesses have adjustable legs loops.

Always check the knots

Double-check that you have tied the tie-in knot correctly. This is usually a figure-8 follow through. Make sure the rope is properly threaded through the harness's leg loops and waist loops.

Always wear a climbing helmet

If you want to live long, prosper, a climbing helmet is essential. When climbing or belaying, always wear a helmet. Helmets protect your head against falling rocks and the impact of falling. Keep in mind that the rock is harder than your head. Head injuries caused by falls or rockfall can cause serious injury that could lead to permanent disability. A helmet keeps your head safe.

Always check the Rope and Belay Device

Always double-check that your rope is securely threaded through the belay device before you start leading a route. Always attach the rope and belay device with a locking carabiner on the harness.

Always use a long rope

Your climbing rope should be long enough to reach anchors on sports routes or reach a belay platform on multi-pitch routes. To avoid falling to the ground, you can always tie a stopper knot at the tail end of your rope when sports climbing.

Always pay attention

Belay is a sport that requires you to pay close attention to the leader. The leader is the one who takes the risk of falling and leads the route. You should not be able to talk with other climbers, use a cell phone or discipline your dogs or children while you're belaying. If you're not certain the leader is safely tied in to the anchors, safe, and communicates clearly with you regarding climbing commands, you should never take him off belay.

Always Have Enough Gear

Always inspect a route from the ground before you attempt to climb it. Make sure you have all of your equipment. Your instincts will tell you the best. Don't rely on a guidebook for advice. You should check the number of bolts that require quickdraws if it's a sport climbing route. Always bring more quickdraws than what you think you will need.

Always climb with the rope over your leg

Always ensure that the rope is above your leg when you're leading a route. You will fall if the rope is in this position. Protect yourself with a climbing helmet.

Always clip the rope correctly

Clip your rope correctly through quickdraws and carabiners. Back clipping is when the rope runs from front to back in the carabiner. The carabiner gate should face the opposite direction to your travel route. Otherwise, the rope may become unclipped. Locking carabiners should be used for important places.

Always use safe anchors

Always use at least two anchors when climbing to the top of a pitch, or route. Three anchors is better. Redundancy keeps you alive. If you're lowering down to climb the anchors from the top rope, lock your carabiners.

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